“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.”
In Pawssion Project, we believe that spreading kindness and love should be prioritized, and everything else will follow. Our whole advocacy goes beyond helping our four-legged friends. We aim to be the change, THE SPARK, that will hopefully help others see that there is always something we can do. Along the way, we have met so many remarkable people who have taught us that there is always Hope in Humanity. These are people who have touched us in so many ways, who’s life stories continue to drive and inspire us to never give up.
You never really know the true impact you have on those around you. You never know how much someone needed the smile you gave them. You never know how much your kindness turned someone else’s life around.
So don’t wait to be kind. Don’t wait for someone to be kind first. Just be kind, because you never know how much someone needs it.