Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Colour: Light Brown and Black
Description: Stray rescued from Cuneta Astrodome, undergoing chemo treatment for her TVT
Location: Bulacan Shelter
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Colour: Light Brown and Black
Description: Stray rescued from Cuneta Astrodome, undergoing chemo treatment for her TVT
Location: Bulacan Shelter
Shawie is still under monitoring as we continue to rehabilitate and nurse her back to health. She still has a lot of medical needs and is still undergoing chemo treatments at the Shelter very Sunday.
But she is starting to bloom so wonderfully at the shelter and has started letting people touch her. She is almost done with her treatments and is slowly being allowed to roam the shelter, supervised. Her skin is healing and the team was really surprised to see her actual fur!
Shawie is still a little shy and will need more time to get comfortable. She just needs someone to make her realize that she is safe now and it is okay to let her guards down. But she needs patience, compassion and lots of time to fully heal. Shawie is currently at the Bulacan Shelter.
My Story:
Meet Shawie, another stray rescued and given hope and a chance in life.
We got a report on this stray from Cuneta Astrodome, thus the name (Hello Ms. @reallysharoncuneta!). As per the report, Shawie has been wandering the area for months now.
Health Situation:
- Anemic
- High blood infection
- Low blood platelets
- Sarcoptic mange
- Demodex mange
She would need quite a while to recover from both types of mange and probably 5 weekly sessions of chemo. Before we begin chemo, we need to work on improving her bloodworks first to make sure her health will not be compromised.
Luckily Shawie has had so many people messaging us, willing to help her rehabilitation and treatment! That also means we can help the needs of the other rescues still confined. We are looking forward to her transformation and recovery and we hope you continue to pray for her.
Shawie is currently staying at the Bulacan Shelter, continuing medication for her skin and bloodworks.